International Scientific Committee

There was a call for abstracts for presentations, with a focus on a circular manure management within realistic economic, ecological and social boundaries.

Submitted abstracts were reviewed by the International Scientific Committee. This is a Committee composed of experts in het field of Manure management and valorization. In the table below, you find all the members of this committee with their organization.


Name Organization Country
Adani Fabrizio Umilan IT
Appels Lise KUL BE
Bonmati Blasi August IRTA ES
Daumer Marie-Line INRAE FR
Delfosse Philippe Université du Luxembourg LU
Fanqueiro David University of Lisbon PT
Hermann Ludwig Proman AT
Llenas Argelaguet Laia UVIC ES
Malinska Krystyna  Czestochowa University of Technology PL
Marks Evan UVIC ES
Oenema Oene WUR NL
Piccinini Sergio CRPA IT
Riau Victor IRTA ES
Schoumans Oscar WUR NL
SM Ashekuzzaman Teagasc IE
Stoumann Jensen Lars Kopenhagen University DK
Vandecasteele Bart Ilvo BE
Vaneeckhaute Céline ULAVAL CA
Velthof Gerard WUR NL
Marc Spiller University of Antwerp BE
Katja Weiler IZES DE


Poster Jury

The International Scientific Committe selected abstracts that were given as an oral presentation and shown as a poster.

A jury composed of 3 international experts, nominated the 3 best posters.

Rob Bakker HAS University of Applied Sciences NL
Greet Ghekiere Inagro BE
Katja Weiler IZES DE


The authors got the chance to present their poster during 5 minutes on 25/11 in the afternoon. Based on a public voting the winner of the Poster Award was selected from these three nominees. Posters were evaluated based on their lay-out, scientific value and translation from research to practical applicability

The winner of the Poster Award was Miriam Beyers from the University of Copenhagen with 'Life cycle assessment of the impacts of pig slurry acidification under Danish, Dutch, and Spanish conditions'.